We’re dropping by to provide a little background about the company and our production. We’ve seen a number of comments online asking why pre-order times are so long, or why we’re still taking pre-orders if we’ve already delivered HyperCubes in the past. Let’s clear that all up! First, some background.
We started The Hyperspace Lighting Company almost 3 years ago now, in September of 2018, with the idea of taking the infinity mirror to the next dimension. With our initial prototype we ran a successful Kickstarter to fund the production of our first batch of HyperCubes. For the next few years, we spent an incredible amount of time and effort designing and coding the cube, building up production capability, and setting down the infrastructure of a business that would last. And after much blood, sweat, and hyper-tears, we succeeded! In 2020 we produced the components for the first 1000 HyperCubes, contracted a partner to assemble them, and successfully delivered each and every one of them!
But this doesn’t all happen like magic. It takes a whole lot of time and effort to go from starting a new batch of HyperCubes to shipping completed units. We place an order for components, which requires a large upfront monetary investment. It typically takes 1-2 months for these components to finish and go through our quality assurance checks. Then, we contract our factory to begin assembling cubes. It typically takes another 1-2 months to complete a large batch with the high quality we demand. After QA checks, finished and packaged cubes are loaded into a cargo container and freight shipped to our warehouse, which takes another 1-1.5 months. From here, we can finally fulfill the orders! What all of this means is that it can take up to 6 months from beginning to end, with a large upfront investment. So to answer the question of why we’re taking pre-orders after we’ve already shipped once – it takes time to make these, and with the needed upfront costs we were not able to begin production until we ran our recent crowdfunding campaign. As a small business, we need to produce and ship in batches, but the good news is that we’re growing rapidly and in the process of streamlining all of this for continuous production!

So, what’s the current situation? We’re happy to say that we’re in full on hyper-production mode – we’ve currently got over 2500 HyperCubes in the production queue! The first ~600 of these are already finished and have recently been delivered to our first Indiegogo backers around the world! The remaining HyperCubes are being assembled as we speak. We’re expecting the next container-full (~900 cubes) to finish within the next month or so. We’re currently in discussions with our manufacturer to expand and ramp up production speeds so that we can deliver cubes even faster going forward! Our goal is to deliver the next batch to the majority of our remaining Indiegogo backers by end of October to early November, and to deliver the next batch to our last Indiegogo backers and current web pre-orders by the end of November to early December. We’re on track and making great progress!
Orders are shipping out first come first served and are in high demand, so the sooner you order the sooner you’ll receive your cube. We thank everyone for their patience, and we’re very excited about expanding to even greater heights. We can’t wait to deliver infinite light and joy straight to your home in the near future!
Dylan and TimM
The Hyperspace Lighting Company